Punish the Monkey - Mark Knopfler

Punish the monkey - Mark Knopfler song.

Hillary Progressives Don’t Realize They Were Supporting a Potential Glide Path to Nuclear War – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts |

"Trump has giant personal flaws, but Hillary Clinton represents a faction of the U.S. foreign policy establishment that outright desires to attempt to execute colored revolution efforts against Putin, while lying about the fact that it was the U.S. that precipitated the coup in the Ukraine and countless other lies. " " Wake up, progressives. You were supporting a war mongering candidate for president that was an affront to some of your core values. Nuclear war and the extinction of the human race is a wee-bit more important than Trumps’ racism, sexism, arrogance, and whatever else anyone wishes to fixate on. "
Hillary Progressives Don’t Realize They Were Supporting a Potential Glide Path to Nuclear War – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts |

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