Punish the Monkey - Mark Knopfler

Punish the monkey - Mark Knopfler song.

Syria as Humanitarian Disaster is America and Allies Fault, Not Russia, Not Syrian President Assad |

From day one Syria wasn’t about stopping a leader harming his own people.  How many times are we going to fall for that line?  It wasn’t about Russia expanding an empire;  this started long before Russia was in this war.  This isn’t about fighting terrorism because our “leaders” are using terrorists to fight “our” wars and now, we have the blood of about a half a million dead Syrians on our hands and if Hillary Clinton, the so-called “progressive” candidate who actually is one of the most outrageous warmongers to have ever run for POTUS, takes the White House, we are going to be told that the United States must invade Syria to prevent further killing by the government and her partner, Russia.  Wake-up, America.  Our “leaders” are lying to us, and most of the people in the media reporting on this story can’t tell a certain part of their anatomy from a hole in the ground.  – Eric Dubin

Syria as Humanitarian Disaster is America and Allies Fault, Not Russia, Not Syrian President Assad |

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