Punish the Monkey - Mark Knopfler

Punish the monkey - Mark Knopfler song.

Project fear is a fitting name, you should be fucking terrified — Medium

Project fear is a fitting name, you should be fucking terrified — Medium

"After the wide spread criticism of their economic arguments, the ‘immigration problem’ has come to form the major foundation of much of the Leave campaign’s rhetoric. Let’s start with the Syrian crisis, why is it that we cared enough about these people to try and make them in to a democracy — via our usual route of teaming up with America and bombing the right to vote in to them — but not enough to try and help them when the assorted turds hit the fan? We were an instrumental part of turning Syria in to the war torn hell hole it is today with a short term and vague bombing program, and we should be instrumental in helping the people suffering for our cowboy approach to diplomacy.

Even if you accept the idea that these people will make things harder for us economically, that we might have to pay more tax to support them, it is morally abhorrent to turn them away. Be clear about the statement you’re making about yourself and the statement we’re making as a country if we entirely shut down the borders to the Syrian refugees. What you’re saying is, ‘I’d rather allow people to die, people my country is responsible for putting in their current predicament, than pay more tax or spend more resources’. I pray that I’m not wrong, but I hope most people aren’t that callous, we can’t be that much a nation of cold hearted bastards can we?"

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