Punish the Monkey - Mark Knopfler

Punish the monkey - Mark Knopfler song.

Rampa do Paúl do Mar 2014 RTPM - YouTube

Rampa do Paúl do Mar 2014 RTPM - YouTube

“Paguei o preço mais alto que se pode pagar por ter apoiado Lula” - PÚBLICO

“Paguei o preço mais alto que se pode pagar por ter apoiado Lula” - PÚBLICO
José Sarney considera que as políticas sociais de Lula e Dilma Rousseff mudaram o Brasil e servem de contraste à austeridade “extrema” na Europa.

Perspective | Wumo | Kind of Normal

Perspective | Wumo | Kind of Normal

The Return of Currency Wars By Nouriel Roubini | NOURIEL ROUBINI BLOG

The Return of Currency Wars By Nouriel Roubini | NOURIEL ROUBINI BLOG

Wealth of Most US Households Has Fallen Over the Last 25 Years | naked capitalism

Wealth of Most US Households Has Fallen Over the Last 25 Years | naked capitalism

The Hospital CEO as Scrooge - Hired Managers Get Raises While Presiding Over Deficits, Layoffs and Pay Cuts | naked capitalism

The Hospital CEO as Scrooge - Hired Managers Get Raises While Presiding Over Deficits, Layoffs and Pay Cuts | naked capitalism

Time Trap (Short Film) - YouTube

Time Trap (Short Film) - YouTube

Extreme Photo of the Week - National Geographic

Extreme Photo of the Week - National Geographic

Cold Water Surf, Vik, south of Sweden - Jon Ottossson

Cold Water Surf - Jon Ottossson

Your Antarctica Photos -- National Geographic

Your Antarctica Photos -- National Geographic

Vídeo: RX-8 aquaplana e bate forte - carros - Jornal do Carro

Vídeo: RX-8 aquaplana e bate forte - carros - Jornal do Carro

3 Men With Tourettes On A Holiday

3 Men With Tourettes On A Holiday - YouTube

Capitalism's Stunning Contradiction

Capitalism's Stunning Contradiction - YouTube

RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism

RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism - YouTube

Ha-Joon Chang on Economics

Ha-Joon Chang on Economics - YouTube

WATCH: Moving house? Join the hermit crab conga line - ScienceAlert

WATCH: Moving house? Join the hermit crab conga line - ScienceAlert

Pink Floyd - Echoes

Pink Floyd - Echoes - YouTube

[HD] Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky - YouTube

[HD] Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky - YouTube

Jimi Hendrix - Born under a bad sign - YouTube

Jimi Hendrix - Born under a bad sign - YouTube

Dave Chappelle - White People & Weed - YouTube

Dave Chappelle - White People & Weed - YouTube

Engineers Vs Sales People: How to Respond When You Lack a Feature the Prospect Requests

Engineers Vs Sales People: How to Respond When You Lack a Feature the Prospect Requests

Dave Chappelle- Sesame Street - YouTube

Dave Chappelle- Sesame Street - YouTube

Pink Floyd - Bike - YouTube

Pink Floyd - Bike - YouTube

Rich And Famous People Who Were Homeless - Business Insider

Rich And Famous People Who Were Homeless - Business Insider

What Successful People Were Doing At 25 - Business Insider

What Successful People Were Doing At 25 - Business Insider

Gut–brain link grabs neuroscientists : Nature News & Comment

Gut–brain link grabs neuroscientists : Nature News & Comment

The One Sign Your Boss Wants You Gone

The One Sign Your Boss Wants You Gone

Tommy Boy - Trailer - YouTube

Tommy Boy - Trailer - YouTube

Black Sheep (1996) - HD Theatrical Trailer - YouTube

Black Sheep (1996) - HD Theatrical Trailer - YouTube

Top 10 Chris Farley Moments - YouTube

Top 10 Chris Farley Moments - YouTube

Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) Trailer - YouTube

Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) Trailer - YouTube

Giant Squid: Caught on Camera (pt.1) - YouTube

Giant Squid: Caught on Camera (pt.1) - YouTube

Little Britain -Vicky Pollard in Swimming Pool - YouTube

Little Britain -Vicky Pollard in Swimming Pool - YouTube

Vicki Pollard - The Beginning - YouTube

Vicki Pollard - The Beginning - YouTube

The Five Deadliest Career Mistakes | LinkedIn

The Five Deadliest Career Mistakes | LinkedIn

Markets’ Rational Complacency By Nouriel Roubini | NOURIEL ROUBINI BLOG

Markets’ Rational Complacency By Nouriel Roubini | NOURIEL ROUBINI BLOG

Ladrões de Bicicletas: Breve história de uma (má) ideia

Ladrões de Bicicletas: Breve história de uma (má) ideia

"Em 1930, o político e financeiro social-cristão Heinrich Brüning é nomeado chanceler. Como não tinha maioria no parlamento assumiu poderes de emergência e passou a governar por decreto. Determinado em manter a sujeição ao padrão-ouro, por convicção própria e por imposição dos credores, Brüning reduziu drasticamente os subsídios de desemprego de doença e invalidez, assim como as pensões, enquanto os salários nominais desciam em consequência do desemprego. O objectivo assumido era recuperar a competitividade da economia alemã para obter os excedentes necessários para servir a dívida e pagar as reparações de guerra. O plano falhou. O seu resultado foi a devastação da economia alemã. Em Maio de 1932 Brüning demitiu-se, em Julho o partido nazi obteve 37% dos votos nas eleições. Em Janeiro de 1993 Hitler tomava posse como chanceler."

Pensamentos 1

Life as a Nonviolent Psychopath - The Atlantic

Life as a Nonviolent Psychopath - The Atlantic

Map: U.S. Ranks Near Bottom on Income Inequality - The Atlantic

Map: U.S. Ranks Near Bottom on Income Inequality - The Atlantic

Want to move abroad? This map shows the best and worst countries to be an expatriate. - The Washington Post

Want to move abroad? This map shows the best and worst countries to be an expatriate. - The Washington Post

You may never eat street food in China again after watching this video - The Washington Post

You may never eat street food in China again after watching this video - The Washington Post

Highest Unemployment: Countries - Bloomberg Best (and Worst)

Highest Unemployment: Countries - Bloomberg Best (and Worst)

Most Decadent: CountriesCzech Republic - Bloomberg Best (and Worst)

Most Decadent: CountriesCzech Republic - Bloomberg Best (and Worst)

The best and worst countries in the world to be old in - health - 30 September 2014 - New Scientist

The best and worst countries in the world to be old in - health - 30 September 2014 - New Scientist

Ana Drago: "Quando dizem que o Estado é mau gestor falam de vocês próprios" - YouTube

Ana Drago: "Quando dizem que o Estado é mau gestor falam de vocês próprios" - YouTube

How to Get a Dream Job | LinkedIn

How to Get a Dream Job | LinkedIn

Mark Knopfler Punish The Monkey

Mark Knopfler Punish The Monkey - YouTube

Hidden Epidemic: Tapeworms Living Inside People's Brains | DiscoverMagazine.com

Hidden Epidemic: Tapeworms Living Inside People's Brains | DiscoverMagazine.com

Microsoft Shuts Down Its Robotics Group - IEEE Spectrum

Microsoft Shuts Down Its Robotics Group - IEEE Spectrum

How to avoid hiring selfish people - Quartz

How to avoid hiring selfish people - Quartz

A biotech student has worked out how to turn wine waste into biofuels

A biotech student has worked out how to turn wine waste into biofuels

Can't Sleep? Try This Counter-Intuitive Trick.

Can't Sleep? Try This Counter-Intuitive Trick.

Who's Holding the Baton? | LinkedIn

Who's Holding the Baton? | LinkedIn

The 10 most important charts of the week - Quartz

The 10 most important charts of the week - Quartz

Deep Sea Explorations Amaze with Live Stream Video | The Artful Amoeba, Scientific American Blog Network

Deep Sea Explorations Amaze with Live Stream Video | The Artful Amoeba, Scientific American Blog Network

Eight hot hatch legends take on the Goodwood Hillclimb Roadtest - YouTube

Eight hot hatch legends take on the Goodwood Hillclimb Roadtest - YouTube

Lou Reed- Walk on the Wild Side - YouTube

Lou Reed- Walk on the Wild Side - YouTube

Nobody But You - John Cale & Lou Reed - YouTube

Nobody But You - John Cale & Lou Reed - YouTube

Sell Me This Pen! A Key to the Sales Job Interview

Sell Me This Pen! A Key to the Sales Job Interview

The "grey-hair" effect | LinkedIn

The "grey-hair" effect | LinkedIn

How Do You Work With Other People's Code?

How Do You Work With Other People's Code?

Science Behind Jeff Bezos Pizza Rule - Business Insider

Science Behind Jeff Bezos Pizza Rule - Business Insider

Genetic disaster | Wumo | Kind of Normal

Genetic disaster | Wumo | Kind of Normal

The scientific reason why you’re always stuck in traffic - Quartz

The scientific reason why you’re always stuck in traffic - Quartz

Birds Evolved From Dinosaurs Slowly—Then Took Off

Birds Evolved From Dinosaurs Slowly—Then Took Off

Mark Knopfler - IMELDA- 1996 - YouTube

Mark Knopfler - IMELDA- 1996 - YouTube

These adorable giant African rats detect land mines and TB for a living | Running Ponies, Scientific American Blog Network

These adorable giant African rats detect land mines and TB for a living | Running Ponies, Scientific American Blog Network

China’s investment in infrastructure is exactly what made Alibaba’s IPO possible - Quartz

China’s investment in infrastructure is exactly what made Alibaba’s IPO possible - Quartz

Why it tastes better when it costs more - Quartz

Why it tastes better when it costs more - Quartz

9 mind-blowing facts about the dysfunction of the American health-care system - Vox

9 mind-blowing facts about the dysfunction of the American health-care system - Vox

22 maps and charts that will surprise you - Vox

22 maps and charts that will surprise you - Vox

The Rising Cost of Not Going to College | Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project

The Rising Cost of Not Going to College | Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project

Which six countries hold half the world’s population? | Pew Research Center

Which six countries hold half the world’s population? | Pew Research Center

Two little words that destroy your credibility

Two little words that destroy your credibility | Computerworld

Caramulo Motorfestival 2014 - YouTube

Caramulo Motorfestival 2014 - YouTube

That’s it—the US is now officially a nation of singles - Quartz

That’s it—the US is now officially a nation of singles - Quartz

Half of lower class Americans literally can’t afford to sleep - Quartz

Half of lower class Americans literally can’t afford to sleep - Quartz

Why most people aren’t downloading apps anymore - Quartz

Why most people aren’t downloading apps anymore - Quartz

London real estate prices remain deeply silly - Quartz

London real estate prices remain deeply silly - Quartz

Rufus Wainwright - Jericho - YouTube

Rufus Wainwright - Jericho - YouTube

Leonard Cohen - Diamonds in the mine - YouTube

Leonard Cohen - Diamonds in the mine - YouTube

David Bowie - I'm Afraid Of Americans - YouTube

David Bowie - I'm Afraid Of Americans - YouTube